I am still not sure what kind of lesson He is trying to teach me other than to bring me back to Him. It is so easy to fill up our time with useless tasks - things that don't matter - or that shouldn't matter. I am beginning to read a book by Henri Nouwen called "Life of the Beloved" and the ? was posed - "What do you really want?"
Life is such a crazy thing. A year goes by so quickly and I think, "what did I really do in those 365 days?" Was it worth it? Did it glorify God? Will it matter next year? I celebrated my birthday this week which was just another reminder of time.
If I could sum up the lessons God has taught me so far in 2006 it would be spirit-filled living, surrender, and time. All of which in some ways go together and others not so much. And yet I don't know if I am any closer to understanding it all. All I know is that we are not promised tomorrow - our lives here on earth are so fragile - even when we think we are in such control. I am learning (and having to remind myself) that each and every day - every hour - every minute - I need to surrender my all (will, life, emotions, thoughts, actions, etc.) to the One Creator who is all-knowing. God's plan and timing is way better than mine - even when it hurts and I don't understand.
I am headed tonight to a book signing - a friend of mine (Sarah K.) got her book published by Zondervan and won the young adult literature award last year - we are so proud of her - she is an amazing woman of God. And this is just another example of how God's plan and timing is WAY beyond anything I could ever dream up. I leave you with a passage that made total sense to me today and spoke to me, "From one man He made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and He determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. God did this so that men would seek Him and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us" - Acts 17:26-27.
At 5:11 PM,
Lisa said…
tiffany you don't blog very much
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