I'm back - for now
Short one today, as I am soon leaving for Dubuque - riding up with some friends from CR cuz they are going to a YMCA swimmeet, and I am meeting a friend from college (Megan) for lunch. Fun times.
Then, tonight, I get to babysit (2nd shift - Bridget is taking the first) the 2 bestest girls in the world, Grace and Mary (my cousins). All around, it should be a grand day.
Plus, I am liking the bit warmer weather. Wootwoo.
Ok, I will make it a goal to post at least 1 more time this coming week and work at getting some pics up.
Happy Saturday y'all.
At 10:19 AM,
Rev. Tammy said…
Keep them coming! Great job!
At 11:40 AM,
Unknown said…
We're back online! As soon as I figure out how to link your blog to mine I will do that!
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