Ok, so this week one of my students who graduated early from High School, started interning with me. It takes a little getting used to finding things for her to do - all the while, not making her to overwhelmed or bored yet still teaching her and showing her what life in ministry is like. I can already tell I am going to get REALLY spoiled having the extra pair of hands to do things. Plus, having her there also makes me much (ok, maybe not much, but....) more focused and on task. I think it will be a grand semester. I am even having time in the evenings to read and watch TV - that doesn't always happen :).
I am really sick of the winter weather here in the great state of IA - I want warm. Which makes me want Feb. 14 to get here even faster (who cares about Valentines Day - I'm going to Dallas!!!!!).
Well, I am off to my volunteering at the elementary school - the 4th graders crack me up. I work with 5 students as an encourager reader and I also work with 1 of the guided reading groups. It is quite fun.
"Enjoy" the snow we are "supposed" to get later 2night/tomorrow.
At 8:39 AM,
Rev. Tammy said…
Oh... I will enjoy the snow. Maybe we should see about a little sledding tomorrow in the thick of it and carve out our own sliding paths? My meeting that was scheduled for out of town tomorrow was just postponed so I'm up for a little snow day fun!
Let me know.
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